Continuing the 20th series of events by InFoRex, the fourth panel of our mini conference has been organised in the topic of mandatory reporting. The lecture has been given by our senior expert, Edina Mészáros, our expert Beáta Tóth and product manager of KELER, Adrienn Kulcsár.
The presentation focused on the obligatory SCTR EU regulation, which requires regular reporting of the securities financing transactions for all (financial or non financial) market operators.
Though the reforms, introduced since the crisis of the banking system of the European Union in 2008, have consolidated the stability of the credit institutions, they have also led to that some activities moved to less regulated sectors, such as the shadow banking sector. The SFTR aims at reducing its activity of the shadow banking sector and enhance transparency of the market of securities financing transactions and so of the entire financial system. From April 2020 it will be obligatory for the banks to report every repo, marging lending and securities or commodities lending transaction, furthermore information related to margin calls and reuse of collaterals. In our conference panel we tried to provide our partners with a comprehensive picture concerning information related to this new, fairly comlex mandatory reporting and we have also provided little insight into the developments related to InFoRex. Adrienn Kulcsár, representative of KELER, has also introduced the related services of the central clearing house.
As in case ouf the previous panels, we closed the event with reception.
Please click on the following link below for more photos.
Third panel of our mini conference has been organised in the topic of ALM. The presentation has been given by Ilka Major, ALM expert and consultant of the Amsterdam-based ING Bank.
During the presentation we analysed the most effective analytical instruments of which we carefully examined the topic of FTP, additionally we demonstrated some modules being available in InFoRex. We dissected the most common, reliable and effective FTP methods and unsealed the customer rate on risk factors managed by ALM. We tried to find out how to set up a transparent and reliable FTP regime, which supports the business model of the bank as effectively as possible.
As usual, we closed our professional programme with standing reception.
For further photos click here.
Within the 20th jubilee event series of InFoRex our micro-conference’s second panel was accountancy.
The professional presentation was held by Dr. Éva Gulyás, assistant professor at Corvinus University Budapest, also a consultant for FX Software and by Cintia Somogyi, who is an accounting expert at FX Software.
Since all hungarian participants are managing their accounts according to the IFRS, our presentation was based on showing the process and the expected effects of switching to IFRS. In summer of 2018 our co-workers made a survey on opinions of banks and consultants about the advantages, disadvantages and difficulties of switching to IFRS. The result of this survey is accessible in an article co-written by Dr. Éva Gulyás and Cintia Somogyi. Said article was published in the September issue of Economy and Finance review, click the link to read:http://www.bankszovetseg.hu/Public/gep/2019/255-283%20GulyasSomogyi.pdf.
During the panel the authors talked about the most significant -and sometimes surprising- results of the research. Participants were able to judge the positive and negative aspects of the transition to IFRS by ’kahoot’s, which was a good opportunity to compare reactions and the results of the survey. The panel was finished by discussing the upcoming challenges of the future.
The professional presentation was followed by a reception and a chance to freely discuss one’s impressions. Small gifts were also provided for all guests.
Please click on the following link below for more photos.
During autumn within the 20th jubilee event series of InFoRex we organise a micro-conference with a sequence of panels. The topic of the first panel was IT operation.
Klaudia Domján, head of our company greeted the guests and right after a professional presentation was given by Zoltán Vas, head of IT operation supply. He talked about the ways of operation in the last 20 years and the progression of prospects. How the demands have changed on the market, what kind of resources and solutions were given by the industry, and how is it possible to manage a way more complex operational model while maintaining the same capacity – and what InFoRex and FX Software can offer to do so.Participants were able to peak behind the curtains of FX Software, get informed about the chosen technological ways, and also observe a practical presentation of the automatic Testcomplete test system, used every day. During the panel, devices (as NLOG, Patchmanager) which already are able to make system operation easier were mentioned, and so were Docker based operation structures in the forthcoming microservice architectures. The topic of platform neutrality driven by market demand (.net Core, SQL 2019) and the preparedness of FX Software also has been discussed.
The professional presentation was followed by a reception and a chance to freely discuss one’s impressions. Small gifts were also provided for all guests.
Please click on the following link below for more photos.