Bela Takacs, FX Software Zrt. co-owner, Chairman and CEO. He graduated as a mathematician and software designer. He gained extensive professional experience with Európai Kereskedelmi Bank Rt., Westdeutche Landesbank and Citibank. He has been in charge of supervising the professional and technology development of our InFoReX Financial Solutions product since it was first implemented.
Csaba Fekete, deputy CEO and co-owner of FX Software Zrt. Economist, worked in treasury at European Commercial Bank and Citibank. His main field of interest is IT modeling of treasury processes.
Klaudia Domjan, Chief Operating Officer of FX Software Zrt. since 2011. Economist, studied at UniZürich and at the Budapest Corvinus University. Having worked as a Consultant at the International Training Center for Bankers, she has gained broad experience in banking risk management and treasury. Beyond managerial tasks in her capacity as the COO, she is also involved in project implementation as an expert.