FX Software Co. was established in 1997. We built our decision to start a new company on our confidence that our expertise in the banking sector and technology would enable us to design and develop flexible and tailor-made solutions for financial institutions. Most of our clients are from the banking sector, however, we are present serving companies from other industries as well.
Our objective is to provide high quality products to our clients that help them map their existing and future business processes. We are committed to enhance our system in response to changing client needs and we believe we convey our high professional standards and experience through our system.
We have been focused on dynamically growing our company since its foundation by establishing successful and productive relationships with an increasing client base, and employing a growing number of professionals. Our success drives our strong motivation to organize our internal processes and activities efficiently in order to make our clients feel that our InFoReX Financial Solutions system and our FX professionals provide them with high quality and comprehensive services.
These are our key principles and values that drive our team’s everyday performance while we are working on development, consultation, maintenance and other services to the satisfaction of our clients. We provide continuous training and knowledge sharing opportunities to enhance the capabilities of our team.
We are keen on receiving client feedback on our products and services that we are building on in further enhancing our profile.