Loro Account Management System
InFoReX – Loro is a fully featured loro account keeping system, supporting both client security and cash account management, including full processing of financial products such as deposits, loans, overdrafts, etc. The product allows for flexible parameterization to fit with the clients’ individual requirements, supporting the user with schema and rule-based template definitions.
Key Features:
- Loro accounts: analytical account management (customer and registry accounts)
- Security and cash accounts
- Booking date and value date management – account balance by booking or value date
- Configurable accounting models, rule-based booking key parameterization
- Schema-based, parameterizable interest rates, fees, costs and commissions calculation function
- Customer deposits and loans management, including overdraft
- Standing orders management
- Coverage Control and sophisticated queue manager (queued items, managing priorities, manual intervention options)
- Foreign exchange and interest rate management boards, managing pending orders
- Generation of statements and notifications, both printed and SWIFT format
- General Ledger compliance, posting to General Ledger system