InFoRex banking treasury system
InFoRex banking treasury system
InFoReX is a single, fully integrated treasury platform providing Straight Through Processing (STP) with treasury front, middle and back-office functionality. From deal capture to settlements and accounting, including transaction settlement and posting it to GL, InFoReX supports the entire treasury lifecycle of a deal.

We offer a tailored solution to each client, a combination of transaction types and business functions as required
InFoReX includes Position Management and Mark to Market services with respect to all handled products. The customizable portfolio and book structure enable clients to group and monitor individual transactions by analyzing the position along a number of criteria to support the evaluation process and Market Risk Management.
In addition to the core treasury functionality our solution provides advanced Operational Risk Management, Compliance and Reconciliation Tools to secure the transparent and controlled operation of our clients’ business. We offer a comprehensive functional coverage along the full set of asset classes. The modularity of the system allows us to always tailor our solution to our clients’ needs.
- Supporting multiple asset classes to cover you clients' business demands.
- Tailor-made workflows to meet your specific needs and increase your returns.
- Incorporating data from multiple dealing channels and core banking systems to increase
sales desk efficiency. - Comprehensive CRM solution to help boost decision making and analyze client behavior.
- Robust and highly automated workflow processes supported by seamless integration with various dealing platforms.
- Dedicated real-time position keeping tools (Money Market, Foreign Exchange, Fixed
Income, Option) to support position hedging. - Comprehensive FX quoting solution with automated price streaming throughout your
Middle Office
- Collateral Management solution (supporting both Interbank CSA and Sales Client contracts) with automated workflows to reduce your operational costs.
- Acquiring data from leading Market Data Providers based on your licenses.
- Curve building tool and complex evaluation engine to support Fair Value & CVA/DVA
- Regulatory compliance and management decision supporting by providing repricing gap analytics, basis point value and duration analytics, and liquidity reporting. Transfer pricing analysis and reporting tool.
- Possibility to quantify shock scenarios reflecting the effects of a changed interest rate
environment and to simulate balance sheet projection and, planned hedges. - Quantify the maturity gap between assets and liabilities, monitoring the evolution of
liquidity risk exposure over time. - Provides capabilities for stress testing balance sheet, and user-defined market scenarios.
Liquidity management
- Provides capabilities for operative and strategical liquidity management. Visibility
and reporting of different scenarios based on userdefined inflow and outflow assumptions, planned maturity transformations and hedging scenarios. - Nostro account balance keeping with expected future balances. Ensures consistency
between planned cash flows and actual swift messages through intraday reconciliation. - Easy to tracking and managing obligatory reserve. Limits setup helping the management of liquidity adequacy on a long term basis.
- Realtime IG2 and IG3 interface connection.
Risk management
- Market and Counterparty risk measuring and management.
- Evaluate Treasury positions and calculating indicators including Market Value, CVA/DVA, Sensitivity, Duration and Greeks.
- Flexible internal limit structure, pre-deal and post-deal limit checking. Early waring
indicators with automated alerts, warnings for traders and risk managers in case of limit breaching on different risk components. - Real-time market data access for market conformity management.
Compliance & Reporting
- Complying with international regulations such as MiFID II, MIFIR, EMIR and SFTR.
- Meeting reporting obligations imposed by local authorities.
- Reducing the workload of the daily reporting obligations and operational risk. Automated
and user-friendly reporting module with transparent audit trail.
Backoffice & Settlement & Accounting
- Provides a user defined automated backoffice workflow from settlement to reporting.
- Drill down from transparent, user-friendly real-time transaction lists to detailed message data to track various backoffice tasks such as settlement, confirmation, reconciliation and fixing.
- User-tailored control points in financial and securities settlement focus on simplifying
the underlying processes, helping to avoid errors due to human intervention. - Allows efficient and transparent integration with any General Ledger, supporting the full range of treasury activity and ensuring IFRS or local accounting compliance.